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Grades 8-12 Chamber Orchestra
Nextgen's premiere ensemble directed by Dr. Zachary Levi and Jennifer Petry. Allegretto demands the utmost musicianship and professionalism of students in a chamber orchestra setting. Students in this ensemble receive guidance and instruction to perform standard and newly composed orchestral music. Acceptance into Allegretto is open to students in grades eight through twelve by audition.
Full Season Tuition (3 concerts): $300
Partial Season Tuition (2 concerts): $250
A sibling discount is available for the second sibling to register in a family.
Information guide
Register for the 2025-2026 year!
Allegretto 2024-2025 Schedule
NextGen Policies
Membership Requirements
Membership is open to high school age and advanced eighth grade students. Both ensembles perform three major concerts each season with six rehearsals to prepare each performance. Allegretto is the most highly select ensemble in Nextgen, performing professional level repertoire and is generally 35 to 40 musicians.
Technical Abilities and Expectations
Rhythm - Students should be expert on dotted and syncopated rhythms
Meters - Students should be expert on simple and compound meters and mixed meters.
Key signatures - Students should be proficient in all major and minor keys.
Strings: able to perform in all positions. Cellos should be familiar and competent in tenor clef.
Woodwinds: able to perform in all major and minor keys, with full range on their instrument. Clarinets should have access to an “A” clarinet. Bassoons should be familiar and competent with tenor clef.
Brass: able to perform in all major and minor keys, with full range on their instrument and be familiar and competent with transposition.
Audition Requirements
To audition for Allegretto, students must perform a solo or etude of their choosing (which should be comparable to a county audition piece or District audition level solo), perform a provided orchestral excerpt, and sight read.