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Grades 8-12 Symphonic Orchestra
A challenging and developmental group conducted by Scott Kaliszak and Anthony Scheuerman, Overture is a full symphonic orchestra. Through more demanding music and high quality instruction, students develop advanced abilities on their instruments, as well as understanding of how to perform in a full orchestra setting. Participation in Overture is open to students in grades eight through twelve by audition.
Full Season Tuition (3 concerts): $300
Partial Season Tuition (2 concerts): $250
A sibling discount is available for the second sibling to register in a family.
Membership Requirements
Membership is open to high school age and advanced eighth grade students. Both ensembles perform three major concerts each season with six rehearsals to prepare each performance. Overture performs repertoire appropriate for high school age students and is generally larger than 40 musicians. This ensemble is the normal next level in Nextgen for students who participated in Intermezzo Strings and Winds.
Technical Abilities and Expectations
Rhythm - Students should be proficient on dotted and syncopated rhythms
Meters - Students should be proficient on simple and compound meters. Students should have introductory experience in complex or mixed meters.
Key signature - Students should be proficient in major and minor keys that have up to 3 sharps or flats. Students should have basic understanding of keys with 4 sharps or flats.
Shifting (Strings) - Violin/viola: students should be proficient in 3rd position and have introductory ability in 5th position, Cello/Bass: students should be proficient in positions 1 - 4.
Percussion - students should be proficient on timpani and/or mallets and/or battery and snare.
Audition Requirements
To audition for Overture students should prepare a solo or excerpt of a solo that demonstrates their ability and how it corresponds to the technical abilities and expectations of the ensemble. If students are unsure which solo to prepare, here is a list of possible suggested string solos piece collections. Solos from higher level volumes of these collections would also be acceptable. Sight reading will also be part of the audition.
Solos for Young Violinists Volume 2 - Barbara Barber, Published by Summy-Birchard
Solo Time for Strings Book 2 - Etling
Suzuki Book 3
Masterworks for the Young Violinist - S. Applebaum
Solos for Young Violists Volume 2 - Barbara Barber, Published by Summy-Birchard
Solo Time for Strings Book 2 - Etling
Suzuki Book 3
Classical Highlights - K. Mitchell, Published by Schirmer
Solos for the Intermediate Cellist - D. Kelley, Published by Last Resort
Solo Time for Strings Book 2 - Etling
Suzuki Book 3
Solos for Young Cellists Volume 2 - Carey Cheney, Published by Summy-Birchard
String Festival Solos Volume 2 - S. Applebaum
Festival Performance Solos Volume 1 - A. Balent
Progressive Repertoire for the Double Bass Volume 1 - G. Vance
Solo Time for Strings Book 2 - Etling